2024 Intro to Ric and 3V Coaching and Training

2024 Intro to Ric and 3V Coaching and Training

I have created some new videos that explain my work, the reasons behind it, and how it can enhance your communication skills. Discover practical tips and techniques personalized for your growth. Don’t miss out—watch the intro video now and get ready to elevate your communication skills!

Confident Leadership Video Course

Hello fellow Communication Enthusiasts! I put together a mini-masterclass of the key communication skills for (new) managers on a new site (https://3vcoachric.com/) that I teach in my standard coaching program, so that anyone can have access to these tips. It is all on video, and comes with some bonuses too (like a free ebook). The […]

I’m in the Top 30 Global Gurus


There is a popular ranking called Global Gurus, which ranks global thought leaders in various categories. In 2022, Ric Phillips obtained #13 under Professional Communications.

It’s Been a While, But I’m Back

It’s been a couple of years since I updated this blog. Why you ask? Well I could say that I was busy blogging on two other websites of companies I’m involved with, which isn’t a lie, but a sentence closer to the true reason for my absence was that I had technical issues with this […]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from 3V Communications!  This holiday time is a perfect time to practice great verbal communications by wishing others season’s greetings, and also practice your non-verbal communication by hugging those you love! 🙂 Together let’s make 2018 a positively successful New Year!  

3V English Communication Assessment (ECA) Template

I have been invited to speak at both TESL Canada and TESL Ontario on the topic of Business English Fundamentals, and how to teach them in the classroom or at the office.  Assessments are a key player in communication coaching and corporate training success.  Simply speaking, the formula is “Assessment = Training Program = ROI […]

My TED Talk: The Long Life of First Impressions

The importance of interpersonal skills in today’s tech-world cannot be underrated or undervalued, and that’s why I focused my recent TED Talk on them.  Please take a moment to view and learn about “The Long Life of First Impressions” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuG-BHquAHU  If you like it, please ‘like’ it and share to your social networks, or directly […]

Become a Certified 3V Communication Coach

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Communication Coach? Coaching in general is an exploding industry, and the interest in communication coaching itself has tripled in the last few years. There are organizations that can certify you as a life coach, NLP coach, business coach etc. but currently there are not many, or no  organizations […]

5 Tips for Finding a New (Communication) Coach

It can be difficult to find the perfect coach for you when you’ve never done it before.  There are many types of coaches, with various backgrounds and different areas of specialization.  Here are some quick tips to get you started on the right foot: 1 – self-assess your needs first.  Be as specific as possible […]