3V Blog
As most of you know I am part of a team that trains entrepreneurs, both for-profit and not-for-profit, in Canada and abroad. This year our organization YEDI (York Entrepreneurship Development...
ByR. Phillips
22 December 2017
ESL/Cultural Communications,Interpersonal Communications,Professional Communications
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from 3V Communications! This holiday time is a perfect time to practice great verbal communications by wishing others season’s greetings, and also practice...
ByR. Phillips
9 November 2017
Body Language,Interpersonal Communications,Professional Communications
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 9th 2017 CONTACT: Mr. Ric Phillips, Executive Director, RPhillips@NCCACanada.org, 647-478-8612 NCCA Canada Hosted Innovative Toronto Event Connecting Communication...
Professional Development and Networking Event: Key Communication Skills to Grow Your Business! The key to successfully starting and growing a business is effective communications. Your great idea...
I’d like to share Janson Chan’s TEDx Talk here. I had the pleasure to meet Janson and work with him on his public speaking and pitching skills through my work with YEDI (York...
ByR. Phillips
10 June 2017
ESL/Cultural Communications,Professional Communications,Speak English Better
I have been invited to speak at both TESL Canada and TESL Ontario on the topic of Business English Fundamentals, and how to teach them in the classroom or at the office. Assessments are a key player...
ByR. Phillips
7 June 2017
ESL/Cultural Communications,Professional Communications,Speak English Better
Fellow Business English/ESL teachers, tutors and coaches, are you going to TESL Canada’s Conference in Niagara Falls this weekend? If so, let’s connect! I’ll be giving a short...
ByR. Phillips
20 May 2017
Body Language,Interpersonal Communications,Professional Communications,Videos
Here’s another Maclean’s video interview where I am asked about the non-verbal communication of President Trump with others, including James Comey. It’s a quick analysis of...
Recently I was contacted by a writer for the business magazine “The Virago.” She was writing an article about women’s business communication and how so many women fear appearing...