3V Blog
ByR. Phillips
14 February 2017
Body Language,Interpersonal Communications,Professional Communications,Videos
Everyone is talking about President Trump’s power handshakes, and today everyone is proud of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for not allowing Trump to bully-handshake him at their White...
ByR. Phillips
24 November 2016
Body Language,Confidence,Interpersonal Communications,Professional Communications,Videos
The importance of interpersonal skills in today’s tech-world cannot be underrated or undervalued, and that’s why I focused my recent TED Talk on them. Please take a moment to view and learn about...
ByR. Phillips
16 November 2016
ESL/Cultural Communications,Interpersonal Communications,Professional Communications
Are you interested in becoming a Certified Communication Coach? Coaching in general is an exploding industry, and the interest in communication coaching itself has tripled in the last few years. There...
ByR. Phillips
18 October 2016
ESL/Cultural Communications,Interpersonal Communications,Professional Communications
It can be difficult to find the perfect coach for you when you’ve never done it before. There are many types of coaches, with various backgrounds and different areas of specialization. Here are some...
Do you ever notice how many people in positions of leadership in the business world can be friendly and casual in person, yet when they email or post a memo to staff they adopt a very formal, cold...
Source: MastersProgramsGuide.com...
We are hard-wired to default to the negative, whenever not enough positive information is available about a person or situation. In other words, we do not automatically trust in the good of people or...